office furniture collection

Ova kolekcija predstavlja nameštaj namenjen za kancelarijski prostor.
Kolekcija sadrži sto i stolicu u više boja: crvena, zelena, plava i žuta.
Nogari stola su od čelika, a površina stola je od drveta. Sto se lako rasklapa i prenosi. Gumeni detalj na dnu nogara stabilizuje sto.
Stolica je dizajnirana u skladu sa stolom i konforna je za sedenje.
Za Triumph Design and Consulting, Milano, Italija.
This collection represents furniture made for an office space.
It features a table and a chair and the collection offers a variety of colors: red, green, blue and yellow. The table is made of a wooden top and minimal looking steel legs which can be easily adjusted.
Matching rubber fiting is attached to the bottom of the leg frame which helps keep the table secure and offers a contrast between materials. The chair was designed to match the table and sits at a confortable angle for the user. It follows the same progression and colour variations as the table.
For Triumph Design and Consulting, Milano, Italy.